The impact of the Industrial Revolution in Britain:
1, Economy: the completion of handicraft from the factory to change the machine big factories to create huge productivity, the UK as the "world factory" and the world's first industrial power.
2, politics: the industrial bourgeoisie gradually into the center of power, to consolidate and strengthen the rule of the bourgeoisie. The whole community has increasingly split into two opposing classes - the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, creating the gravedigger of capitalism. 3, the production life: to promote the rise of modern cities, leading to changes in economic geography and population structure, promote scientific and cultural development and people's minds and great changes in lifestyle, marked the capitalist mode of production in the United Kingdom finally overcome the feudal mode of production 4, the world situation: to promote activities to further strengthen the British overseas colonies, resulting in the advanced West and the East behind the world situation; much closer ties around the world, changed the face of the world, finally established (the bourgeoisie) to the world rule. (First to complete the British Industrial Revolution, soon to become (hegemony in the world). Capitalist countries worldwide activities, exacerbated by endemic poverty and backwardness, so that (Eastern) subordinate to (the West). 5, it is also an objective to spread advanced (production technologies) and (production), severe blow to the old ideas and old system followed Europe and the United States and other capitalist countries have carried out the industrial revolution.