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2023-08-23 23:48:05


导读 大家好,我是小根根,我来为大家解答以上问题。九九通医药,九九通令全文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、为执行中美两国政府...


1、为执行中美两国政府于今年五月十一日签订的关于解决资产要求的协议,保障我国有关单位和个人的合法权益,现发布命令如下: 一、凡属国家机关、国营企业、事业单位,包括团体、学校等被美国政府冻结的资产,国务院授权中国银行代表他们,在美国政府按照中美两国政府的协议宣布解冻后,向美方债务人办理有关被美国政府冻结资产的收回或提取事项。

2、 二、原私营工商企业和公私合营的工商企业,经过多年的社会主义改造,已经按不同行业,分别改组或合并为国营工商企业,国务院决定,授权中国银行全权代表他们办理有关被美国政府冻结资产的收回或提取事项。


4、 三、对于被冻结的我国国民的个人资产,为了便于同美方债务人进行联系,保障其合法权益,国务院授权中国银行对外办理收回或提取手续。


6、 四、自本命令发布之日起,任何单位或个人未经中国银行同意,不得提取、出售或转移其被美国政府冻结的一切资产。

7、 以下为英文: A decree is hereby issued to execute the agreement signed by the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the United States of America on May 11 this year concerning the settlement on claims/assets, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese units and individuals concerned: 1. As regards the assets belonging to state organs, state owned enterprises, public institutions, including organizations and schools, frozen by the U.S. government, the State Council authorizes the Bank of China to act on their behalf to approach the debtors on the U.S. side and handle the affairs of recovering or with drawing the said assets frozen by the U.S. government as soon as the U.S. government has declared the unfreezing in accordance with the Sino-U.S. agreement. 2. As regards the former private industrial and commercial enterprises and state-private joint industrial and commercial enterprises which, after years of socialist transformation, have now been transformed, according to their lines of business, into or merged with state-owned industrial and commercial enterprises, the State Council has made the decision to authorize the Bank of China to act as their plenipotentiary to handle the affairs of recovering or withdrawing the assets belonging to them and frozen by the U.S. government. When the said frozen assets have been recovered or withdrawn, the Bank of China shall settle the accounts with the units concerned in accordance with the relevant laws and decrees of China. 3. As regards the frozen personal assets belonging to Chinese nationals, for the convenience of making contacts with the debtors on the U.S. side and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the owners, the State Council authorizes the Bank of China to complete the formalities for recovering or withdrawing the said frozen assets abroad. When the said frozen personal assets have been recovered or withdrawn, the Bank of China shall effect the payments in accordance with the relevant laws and decrees of China. 4. As of the date of the issuance of the present decree, no units or individuals have the right to withdraw, sell or transfer their assets frozen by the U.S. government without the consent of the Bank of China.。
