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2024-09-18 22:45:54


导读 大家好,我是小夏,我来为大家解答以上问题。英语小故事30字~50字加上主要内容,英语小故事30字很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1...


1、Customer: Every day you charge me money for a cup of coffee. It will be wonderful if you serve me coffee free of charge today. 顾客:你每天都收我咖啡的钱,要是今天不收就太好了。

2、 Waiter: Sir, every day you drink coffee from a filled cup. It will be wonderful if you drink it from an empty cup today. 服务员:先生,你每天都从盛满咖啡的杯子里喝咖啡,要是今天从空杯子里喝就好了。
